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The £500,000 “black hole”

from Sunday, May20th of the year2007.

images1.jpgSir Peter Maxwell Davies, about whom I just posted last week, is in the news again! This time, not geese, but fraud; you can’t make this stuff up. I had forgotten, also, that he has had a website where you can make custom mixes of his music and then get them delivered by post ““ a sort of classical music answer to Prince’s crazy webshop. What’s curious about this whole fraud images-1.jpgbusiness is that I hadn’t ever imagined that S. P. Maxwell D. had anything close to £500,000 worth of commerce from his music. It’s great to know that he is making that much money; maybe as this drama unfolds some puckish English journalist will do an exposé on where all that money came from.

Anybody who lives in London should definitely go see Prince live in August. I saw him in New York a few years ago and it was, without a doubt, one of the best live acts I have ever seen.

James McAvoy, girl, your screencaps are all squished on your webpage. Here I am trying to have a poignant shoutout and there you are with squished photos. Fix that and celebrate by going to Prince at the O2 arena.

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