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That Thing

from Tuesday, August31st of the year2010.

I’m totally doing that thing where instead of doing my work, I’m sitting with the Carnegie Hall website open in one window and my calendar in another to see what-all I can go see this next season.  It was with great pleasure that I saw the New York Phil’s program for November 12.  It reads, simply:

Beethoven Violin Concerto
John Adams Harmonielehre

Yes please! That’s precisely what you do. You take a big ol’ good thing, make Midori play it, then, a big new American thing after the jump. Phew. I will be there, cheering and singing along to the third movement at full volume.

Also, it’s an All-Rouse program in the spring that I’m really excited about. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody actually get paid to play Ku-Ka Ilimoku, even though it’s probably the most performed piece of music since Happy Birthday.

Christopher Rouse Ku-Ka Ilimoku

I steal the thing that happens 2:16 into this about six times a day. Not so much with like, Mr. Miyagi right afterwards but you get the idea.

I’ve gotten really into Loney Dear, particularly some of his mouth-gamey songs. Check this out:

[audio:05 Ignorant Boy.mp3]
Loney Dear Ignorant Boy, Beautiful Girl

Really satisfying, right? The song emerges from the texture, and the text, when it comes in, is on a drone, and the chords and the ostinato muttering do the heavy lifting.

Okay, some news: I’m putting out two albums on Decca, one of which is in collaboration with Bedroom Community. We are all thrilled about the whole thing; check out the info here. The BedCom co-release is ready for download now, via Bandcamp, and if you click up in there, you get two bonus tracks: A Long Line, and Twitchy Organs, an ambient/drone piece which some of you have been asking for forever! Enjoy! And here’s tha album art:

For those of you in London, we’re going to be performing the score along with the divine Stephen Petronio Dance Company at the Barbican in October, so everybody put on your raincoats and come holla.


  • I downloaded the album from BedCom last week to get the bonus tracks, and I keep returning to it; it’s wonderful stuff, and I wish I’d seen the ballet. Even after several listenings I’m still fascinated by the interweaving of the long lines in “Music Under Pressure 3”, especially how you write for the flute. And I’m still loving the way the boys’ choir returns in “One Day Tells.” Congratulations on hitting a home run with this album. Looking forward to the next one – I have it pre-ordered on Amazon already.

  • Been playing it 0n end since I downloaded it and got my hard copy last Monday which is absolutely great! I especially adore Jagged Pulses & Music for Boys – the mixture of restraint and sheer abundance is addictive 🙂 Thanks so much for this!

  • I’m gonna come holla to the Barbican. Can’t wait for WW Tour as well. Ah I love it how you come to London all the time.

  • So happy to have stumbled upon your blog, just in time for that NY Phil program announcement. I will, by fluke, be there to give a cello geek talk the next day, so I’mma get tickets, if there are any left. That Adams piece just thrills me. As for the Beethoven (don’t tell violinists), it’s one of the pieces that makes me a little jealous that they have it and we don’t.

    Love your blog!

  • I am going to download t he new music when I get back to my home computer today. Nico your postings are always so eye- ear- mind-opening. Thanks! I am really looking forward to checking out the new music and the music of some of those mention in your most recent post. I love that you are listening to all that music in yr imagination and heart while you”do nothing”.but calendar gaze. 🙂

  • Nico,

    I just downloaded ‘I Drink the Air Before Me’ and am ecstatically looking forward to the first listen!

    fyi: When I subscribed with Decca to receive upcoming email about you (creepy), they sent back a confirmation assuring me that I will be kept updated on Jean-Yves Thibaudet. Probably something I should tell them about, but thought you might be interested to know as well.

    I’m a big admirer of your music and I wish you all the best. Hope you’re having fun with that opera of yours. It may be a bit early to plan, but I’m hoping to swing by NY for the Met debut.


  • Awesome new recordings! Very loverly

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