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So Clever

from Monday, April20th of the year2009.

So Michael Gordon is a clever man; he has decided to release his new Jamz, “Trance,” played by Icebreaker, as free downloads. The catch is that they are Scatter’d Around the Internet, specifically, the blogosphere. Here is the third section:

Trance 3

and here it is as a streamed audio file in case you want to try b/f u download:

Michael Gordon
Trance 3

Here’s the thing, though. It’s an escavenger hunt! If you want the first two sections, you have to do some poking around through a blog whose name sounds like a piece of music with a number attached; they also hosted the Most Mind-Numbing Conversation about Uptown-Downtown Divisions in Music ever. Then, the second section is at a website whose comments section is equally vitriol-filled, but with a slightly more Seitanic bent. Then, if you want the fourth section, you’re going to have to sniff around south of Houston.

Enjoy. And, for those of you who <3 Trance, you should go see it Wednesday at LPR! You can totally get free tickets if you email promotion (at) firstchairpromo (dot) com with the names of all seven blogs hosting the Trancey Sections.