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from Friday, October31st of the year2008.

I am the worst blogger in the world! I have been remiss. I have been absentee. However, it’s not been for bad reasons. I am about to scoot off to London (seriously, click it) to conduct the score to The Reader, which I composed, and which barring any insane drama, should be coming soon to a theater near you.

I like Halloween because more people are dressed like how I dress normally.


  • The Vicar story would make a great scene in an opera.

  • This is your name spelled with my right hand shifted one key to the right on the keyboard.

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  • “I like Halloween because more people are dressed like how I dress normally.”

    Amen! On Friday I walk in to the dance school where I teach, FULLY gigged-out as Cruella D’Ville, and a charming young man (10 years old) who takes modern dance from me blithely, no double-take, says to me, ‘Hey, Ms. Kiki.’
    And walks on by.

  • I love the way you dress : )