The only “Classical electronic music” that I love off the top of my head is “Hoodoo Zephyr” by John Adams. It’s an amazingly fun piece that uses electronics for its inhuman ability to play fiendish rhythms.
]]>[Response: Hi D, and thank you for writing. As I said above, this is a decontextualized clause, and I agree, it looks awful! What I meant was a slightly more long-term thing, which is to say, if an orchestra collapses, as, indeed, it seems like Minnesota had done, it doesn’t mean that nobody will ever hear orchestral music in the twin cities ever again, and, in fact, sometimes the noise surrounding such a collapse draws attention to the problems, and something even more healthy grows out of the ashes. I would also add that, again, I said this not in any way as a statement, but as a kind of off-the-cuff comment about the resilience of not only musicians, but the audiences who support them. In any case, regardless of the context, I apologize for having said this; it’s such raw meat as a quote, and I should have known better. Yours, Nico]