Comments on: Difficult, Simple The official website of the New York-based composer Nico Muhly. Fri, 11 Nov 2011 18:46:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Music is Hard 22: Agency | Fri, 11 Nov 2011 18:46:18 +0000 […] Links: Dan Visconti: “The Hand-Off” Nico Muhly: “Difficult, Simple” […]

By: Michael Greenebaum Wed, 09 Nov 2011 19:03:03 +0000 I hope this post makes its way into some anthology for composers/playwrights, directors, techies, performers and producers.

And also an anthology of superb writing about the theater.

By: Bradly Baird Wed, 09 Nov 2011 05:19:17 +0000 Nico –

Thought you would be interested to know that the CBS affiliate in Salt Lake City featured Dark Sisters during a short segment tonight. They showed four or five promotional images from the show and mentioned the website. Glad to know your interest in the subject became something tangible for you. Congratulations and good luck with the performances.

By: Heidi Lauren Duke Tue, 08 Nov 2011 00:40:35 +0000 Hey Nico – It was very keep-sweet to meet you today after the dress. I was the gorgeous blonde director, you were the brilliant composer in a tunic. Eve and Caitlyn were radiant. As to your blog, I love the barrage of questions one asks themselves during a technical. My personal favorites are, “How did I get here?” and “Where are the snacks?” Only in a process where the key tool is called a “God mic.”

By: killian Sat, 05 Nov 2011 22:43:06 +0000 Second most quoteable quote: There is a Martha Graham / Copland Americana wing of the thing that requires a mid-century borderline embarrassing technique, and then a close-up, Makrokosmos-style Meredith Monk meets Scelsi music that creeps out of the pit and into the soloists’ mouths. Then there are the kind of tight, sixth-based chords as one finds in Tehillim.

Would that reviewers could think in such expansive-yet-specific terms. <3

By: killian Sat, 05 Nov 2011 22:40:24 +0000 Amen and amen. You are an incredible source of insight and inspiration.

By: Grandfather Fri, 04 Nov 2011 16:55:45 +0000 I came to quote only to see that I had been beaten to the punch. What a beautiful observation, and how indicative of one of the reasons why you, Nico, are so deeply loved. It makes me weep with happiness.

By: Joe C Fri, 04 Nov 2011 03:42:28 +0000 “Surely the process of becoming an adult is one of figuring out which of one’s difficulties should be sanded down in the interests of being a functioning member of the community, and which can be left as distinguishing and endearing eccentricities.”

Now that’s a most quotable quote (in fact, it’s now my Facebook status). It does rather assume that the figuring is the hard part compared to the sanding, though… if only!
