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Quick List

from Friday, October5th of the year2007.

A quick list, before I run off to sound check.

1. I wrote another piece for the Guardian, which is slightly less personal than the first one.

2. I am playing at Wordless Music tonight with Valgeir, who is no longer deported, more on that (a) from the stage and (b) in the future in this space.

3. I am now also speaking this Sunday and Monday nights at Works and Process at the Guggenheim, about my upcoming ballet with Benjamin Millepied, From Here On Out. Which, PS, you should all come to.

4. We went to Minnesota last week. For $20, we convinced an Dude to airbrush my friend’s name “Hrafnhildur” on a t-shirt. img_0153.JPGHe took one look at the name (which, like the Qatsi movies, is totally inscrutable until you get used to it), didn’t bat an eye, and got to work. Either he was just being polite, or he was used to the SCADS OF ICELANDIC PEOPLE flying to Minneapolis, going shopping, and turning around and flying right home. It’s like Costkó to them. Anyway the shirts turned out great and nobody even muttered “Oh, Hell no” as I walked around NoLiTa in it yesterday, on its way to its recipient.

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  • Just wait until you sit through Milton Babbitt’s String Quartet No. 5…listening to it is like Harakiri, the traditional form of Japanese suicide.

  • blog entry is terrific,Genius T- shirts especially, but I really LOVE the piece for the Guardian with its food prep examples to help us along. Really Great , Nico.
    Sorry to miss the Gugg. Talk !