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Suitable for Children

from Thursday, August2nd of the year2007.

I told Liner Notes Danný that if he didn’t post these, I was going to have to go ahead and do it myself. Danny managed to uncover through some Velvet Mafia media xxx-change (whose machinations are known only to him) a recording of the album that Julie Andrews made with Moondog in 1957. I know, it sounds too good to be true. That’s because it is. It’s like if Mary Poppins had to teach Tehillim to orphans or something.

[audio:03 Songs of Fun and Nonsense.mp3]
Songs of Fun and Nonsense
Julie Andrews & Martyn Green Tell It Again

Read cute anecdotes about the project here.

I’m not going to post the rest of the album here, in the hopes that Liner Notes Danný will post them on his.


  • Funny- I was actually looking on youtube for early Jule Andrews the other day, as I heard that she had an amazing voice as a youngster. She must be about 23 here. What an oddity this is!

  • Joe Pereira totally wrote something for flute with shaker and cajón. He was also raised by Indians.